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6 Tips for Shooting in Harsh Light

Whether they dabble in photography or shoot with the pros, most photographers know that there is no better time than early morning or early evening to take a gorgeous photograph. These are the “golden hours,” when warm light angles through clouds to reflect rich, textured color. Unfortunately, these “golden hours” could be more accurately described as “golden quarter hours” or, better yet, “golden ten minutes” for all the time they allow us to head outside, set up a shoot, and snap a publishable photograph.

This means that for most photographers, shooting in the middle of the day is inevitable: this is when we’re out with friends, our kids‘ sports games are played, or we’re out exploring our vacation surroundings. It’s true that there are plenty of amazing photos that were taken outside of the so-called “golden hour,” but it’s likely just as true that the photographers of those amazing photos had to make some adjustments to deal with the inevitably harsh natural lighting of an afternoon. Here are a few tips to help you battle harsh lighting on your own mid-day shoot. While you won’t need to use every tip for every photograph, it’s worth being aware of them for the time when the perfect scene presents itself.

10 Tips on how to Shoot in Snowy Weather

1. Dress appropriately

Check the weather for the altitude you’ll be shooting at. The temperature and weather conditions will be completely different at ground level as they are up the hill. Never wear cotton. Cotton will soak up any sweat you may produce and the cold temperatures will freeze it. So you’ll end up wearing freezing cold clothing.

Invest in some great gloves. You won’t be able to wear glove all the time. You may need to get your hand out to change your camera settings or access gear in your camera bag. I had a pair of gloves that came with little glove liners, so when I pulled them out of the big warm shells I was still somewhat protected. The shells were big enough to slim my hand back in without much effort and I could still press the shutter to take a picture.

Five Reasons You Should Outsource Your Photo Editing Chores

Reason 1 – Liberate the Photographer in You

As much as you love to shoot, post processing photographs often demand hours of backbreaking work. A lot of you would always complain that you shudder at the thought of having to post process your work after every shoot. Not that you don’t want to or you don’t know how, but being photographers first and photo editors second you feel that your time is unnecessarily held up doing things that can be easily handled by somebody else. The primary need to outsource your photo editing chores, thus, comes from the need to liberate photographers like you from the editing desk.

Tutorial: How to Smooth Skin in PhotoshopIn this tutorial I will show you how to use different filters in photoshop to smooth out skin and leave it looking natural, while giving you complete control. There are many techniques to smooth skin in photoshop, you can even buy software such as Portraiture, but the technique I’m about to show you is the... Read more »
Low Light and the Wildlife Photographer: How to Take a Photo an Editor Can Work WithWildlife photographers are faced with a unique set of challenges. Not only do they often have to travel long distances to find their subject matter, but their success is dependent upon whether or not they have the understanding of the animal and the patience to wait for just the right moment. And yet ask any photographer what is the toughest part of shooting wildlife, and you'll likely get a response that falls somewhere along the lines of dealing with low light. The majority of animals, and especially those where I shoot in Africa, are most active once the sun begins to go down, making early evening the perfect time to snap a great photograph. This is when the predators are hunting (or at least doing more than cat-napping), and the watering holes are flush with the harder-to-spot animals such as rhinos, big cats, and hyenas, to name but a few. Read more...